Wednesday, October 6, 2010

our new ways of eating!

i have been reading alot of endo, pcos and fertility diet books.

we are eating great now, everything organic, heathy, lots of fruits and veggies, no - low carbs, no pros meats, no hormone dairys, no sugars.

i have been making homemade juice everyday. carrots, apples, ginger, graps, and wheat grass! sounds pretty nasty but its really yummy! and i dis-like veggies!

eating better and taking multi vitamins i feel so much better and healthier and i have more energy!

Night at the ER

i have been having the worst endo pain thats un-bearable! its to the point when i cant walk well, its interfering with my life, job, marriage.

i went in to the er fri oct 1st at 9:00 pm. due to the pain, they hooked me up to an iv with pain and nausea meds, he checked my lady area for any infections, took a pregnancy test, took a urine sample, took blood sample, more pain meds, did a cat scan and did not find anything but a normal cyst and also a huge cyst that had evaporated but nothing to cause me that much pain. im 99.99 % sure its endo growths but on a cts, ultrasounds, mris etc. endo does not show up. that doctor even with nothing to do about the pain beside pain meds he was a really great guy! i realy liked him, he made me feel so comfortable! he did one more pump of pain and nausea meds and sent me home with percocet 5-325 mg and told me to do a fallow up with my obgyn (dr. weeks)

on monday i called doctor weeks and the nurse get me in right away. i told him about the pain and my night in the er and he gave me 3 options. 1 get on birth control to help with the pain and regulat my period, whitch is not an option for me knowing we are trying to get pregnant. 2 get a hormone shot (deppo i think) wich will take away my period and is a birth control or 3 do surgery and check- take out all the endo growths which there are rists with surgery. and of course i choosed to do surgery. so he is going to set it all up and get me in as soon as he can in the next week - 6 weeks, he is going to call me tomorrow and let me know when.

as odd as it sounds i cant wait to get surgery, i want this pain to go away plus i have read about alot of women who had this surgery and became pregnant soon after. so im really looking forward to it! :)

we also talked about putting my on clomid, a fertility drug that will make me ovulat.

we are also doing a sperm test on matt tomorrow so please pray that, that goes well and he has happy, healthy sperm for me to make our beautiful baby!

more doctor updates

i have not posted in a while, been very busy with work, matts going to school, moved etc.

i have been to the doctors many times since i have last posted.

mainly seeing doctor lin, getting on the right med and trying to figure out my daily migraine issues. she started me on lorazepam 0.5 mg for anxiety and panic attacks and it has made a world of a difference in not only anxiety but also i have noticed less migraines.

i also went to see a diabetes-hormone specialist about 3 weeks ago, he lowerd my metformin from 1500 to 1000 because my body can not handle that much i had diarrhea and nausea almost 24-7. he also put me on actos, i see hint back in a couple of weeks to do some lab work.